Mubuso Zamchiya

  • School Invest

  • 2008 Global Fellow

Mubuso Zamchiya
  • School Invest

  • 2008 Global Fellow

bold idea

Improve access to capital for schools serving the poor in Africa through an online marketplace that connects schools to social investors who can support their work.

organization overview

There are over 100 million children either out of school or attending poor-quality schools in Sub-Saharan Africa. Against a backdrop of inadequate public provision, private schools for the poor are emerging as an alternative way to provide education in low-income communities. The critical issue for these schools and the children that attend them is gaining access to capital to cover school improvement and school fees respectively. School Invest leverages the internet to create a sustainable culture of investment in schools for the poor. Through School Invest, non-traditional investors (members of the African Diaspora and non-African social investors) will be able to support these schools and transform the future lives of children.

Personal Bio

Mubuso Zamchiya is Managing Director of Luminos, a philanthropic fund that is unlocking the light within every child by helping them get a good education. The fund currently operates in Ethiopia, Liberia, and Lebanon. He was formerly Senior Vice President of Partnerships at Ashoka, and has held executive and senior leadership roles in charter school networks in upstate New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.
Mubuso has been active in education development for Africa. He previously launched School Ventures, a company that aimed to provide better market intelligence as a way to help private and public school operators, and their investors, make quality investment decisions. He is also co-Founder of the BOOST Fellowship, which, for seventeen years, has been helping young Zimbabwean men and women discover their potential for leadership and strive in faith, hope, and love to end extreme poverty and bring health, peace, and prosperity to the world.
Mubuso has served in strategic, and development capacities at the International Finance Corporation, AES Corporation, and Barclays. He is an advisor to the b*free community of freelance professionals in New York City, and is a member of the Anacostia River Church in Washington, D.C.
Mubuso enjoys coaching and mentoring leaders and entrepreneurs. He is an Echoing Green Fellow, a Pahara Fellow, a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network, and a Rhodes Scholar.

  • Organization/Fellow Location ?

    Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.

    Cheverly, United States

  • Organization Structure ?

    An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).


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