Muhsin Hendricks

  • Inner Circle

  • 2006 Global Fellow

Muhsin Hendricks
  • Inner Circle

  • 2006 Global Fellow

bold idea

Empower, support, and educate gay Muslims and their allies, and fight homophobia by generating awareness on issues of gender and sexuality in the Muslim community.

Personal Bio

Muhsin studied Arabic and Islamic Jurisprudence at the Islamic University of Karachi (Jamia Dirasat in Karachi, Pakistan). He was a practicing Imam and teacher in his community before he came out.

  • Organization/Fellow Location ?

    Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.

    Cape Town, South Africa

  • Impact Location ?

    Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.

  • Organization Structure ?

    An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).


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