organization overview
Reyes coordinated Project 169, an independent project of the Red de Defensores involving work around ILO Convention 169.
Personal Bio
UNC assistant professor of geography Alvaro Reyes’ teaching and research interests focus on political geography, comparative ethnic studies and globalization. More specifically, his interests center on understanding the vicissitudes of colonialism and decolonization and their relation to the concept of “territory.” His recent work analyzes the post-1960s movements for Blackness and Indigeneity as well as the creation within these movements of new imaginaries of spatial ordering and emancipation across the Americas.
Alvaro received his doctorate from Duke University in 2009 and a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 2000. Prior to graduate school, Alvaro served as advisor in questions of international law and indigenous rights to a human rights organization based in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, where he has lived and worked on and off for several years.
Organization/Fellow Location ?
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Impact Location ?
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Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).