Angela Meszaros
Environmental Justice Resource Network
Co-Founded with Graham Boyd
1995 Global Fellow
Environmental Justice Resource Network
Co-Founded with Graham Boyd
1995 Global Fellow
organization overview
The Environmental Justice Resource Network provides legal, technical, and strategic assistance to grassroots advocates working on environmental issues in low-income communities of color in Los Angeles and help build a stronger network of people working together in Los Angeles on environmental justice issues.
Personal Bio
Angela Johnson Meszaros has nearly fifteen years of experience working with communities on environmental justice issues. She uses a range of tools to enhance the health, safety, and quality of life of low-income communities of color impacted by environmental hazards including: litigation in federal and state court; filing regulatory challenges; lobbying state legislators; providing community legal education; providing community technical assistance in campaign development, strategic planning, fundraising, document analysis, and regulatory agency operations; testifying before relevant committees, boards and commissions; serving on agency policy workgroups; engaging in media advocacy; and mediating negotiations with a range of stakeholders. Angela’s efforts have been focused on policy development and implementation regarding air pollution issues. Angela is currently co-chair of the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee on the Implementation of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32); a member of the La
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Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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