The Real Food Challenge
Co-Founded with David Schwartz
2010 Global Fellow
bold idea
Build a healthy, fair and green food economy by harnessing the political power of youth and the purchasing power of universities to shift demand toward socially responsible farm and food enterprises.
Personal Bio
Anim Steel is the Director of National Programs at The Food Project in Boston, MA, where he co-founded the Real Food Challenge, a campaign to re-direct $1 billion of college food purchases away from industrial agriculture towards local, fair, sustainable, and humane sources. Anim’s eight years at The Food Project represent a life-long commitment to social justice. As an Assistant Director of Admissions at Williams College in Massachusetts, he was in charge of expanding student of color recruitment. At the Bowery Residents Committee in New York City, he created a job training program for homeless adults. It was through his work as a consultant with the Economic Development Assistance Consortium (EDAC) in Boston that Anim began to see food and agriculture as tools for community development—as well as environmental, social, and personal change. Anim holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and a BA in Astrophysics and History from Williams College.
Organization/Fellow Location ?
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Impact Location ?
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Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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