Personal Bio
April Allderdice is the co-founder and CEO of MicroEnergy Credits (MEC), an enterprise that connects people with clean energy through their local financial institution. MEC works with inclusive financial institutions in order to reach billions of people that are out of range of traditional clean energy marketing channels. With microloans, clean energy products are affordable, and often save money in the first month. MEC develops a distribution network around existing financial networks to bring clean energy to the clients doorstep. Using mobile phone technology, MicroEnergy Credits aggregates carbon offsets from the clients of Microfinance Institutions and sells them to the carbon markets, enabling better and cleaner energy choices for the market at the bottom of the pyramid. MicroEnergy Credits won the 2008 Global Social Venture Competition for a business model that is “Game Changing” for the poorest. April is an alumni of McKinsey and Company, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Columbia Business School and Wesleyan University. In the late 1990s, as an Echoing Green Fellow, April helped initiate Grameen Shakti, a sister organization of the Grameen Bank, which has sold over a million solar home systems to its customers in Bangladesh. MicroEnergy Credits is currently working with fourteen microfinance institutions in five countries globally, and has reached over a million people with clean energy.
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Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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