Brandon Smith

  • The Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program

  • Funded with support from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation

  • 2021 Global Fellow

Brandon Smith professional headshot
  • The Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program

  • Funded with support from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation

  • 2021 Global Fellow

bold idea

Create pathways to career success for individuals formerly incarcerated in California’s fire camps through post-release support and training that help them attain gainful employment as wildfire personnel within the firefighting profession.

organization overview

The Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program (FFRP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those incarcerated in California’s correctional Fire Camps transition into financially stable professional careers within the firefighting sector once released. FFRP provides post-release support and paid, on-the-job training to participants as they transition into fire careers. FFRP partners with various agencies and sectors to provide a pathway to career success, while addressing the current wildfire/environmental crisis via its own fire prevention/firefighting crews. Formerly incarcerated people deserve opportunities that positively impact their families, communities, and generations to come.

Personal Bio

After being incarcerated in California’s Fire Camps and responding to all hazardous risks, Brandon found a way to transition into a professional wildland firefighter career post release. Since then, he has advocated for criminal justice and environmental reform. Brandon worked six years (both in and out of fire camp) as a wildland firefighter and forestry technician. He attended the University of California–Berkeley and the Victor Valley Colleges Wildland Academy. He has been advocating for and supporting the fire camp population since 2014. Brandon received funding from the New Profits Unlocked Futures Program and is a member of Justleadership USA’s Leading with Conviction 2020 Cohort and REDF’s 2021 Accelerator Program. Brandon lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two children.

  • Issue Area ?

    A general program area that describes the focus of this Fellow’s organization during their Fellowship.

    Racial Equity

  • Organization/Fellow Location ?

    Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.

    Fontana, United States

  • Impact Location ?

    Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.

  • Organization Structure ?

    An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).


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