Christine Enid Nieves Rodriguez

  • Emerge Puerto Rico

  • 2020 Climate Fellow

Christine Nieves headshot
  • Emerge Puerto Rico

  • 2020 Climate Fellow

bold idea

Increase community-driven climate resilience in areas most likely to suffer disproportionate impacts of climate change through train-the-trainer programs that leverage the stories of bold leaders focused on community healing and sustainable ingenuity.

organization overview

Emerge Puerto Rico is a first-of-its-kind community-based enterprise focused on climate change education and leadership. Through studying human greatness and pitfalls at moments of great peril, like disasters, EmergePR works to scale the patterns of cognition and behavior that are aligned with a new reality to bring about a post-climate change humanity. It will achieve this by curating, elevating, and spreading the stories of real people leading real community efforts that defy the current narrative, and inserting those stories into local schools and communities. Through train-the-trainer programs, youth will learn the mindset, tools, and skills exhibited in those stories.

Personal Bio

Christine Nieves is the co-founder and executive director of Emerge Puerto Rico, an initiative focused on establishing cutting-edge climate change leadership and education in community wisdom. She has an interest in Indigenous and African wisdom and in how the invisible infrastructure of so-called marginalized communities can be activated when disasters happen. Christine’s attention is focused on human consciousness, cognition, evolution, and adaptation to extreme environmental disruptions. She became a 2019 Bridge Fellow at TNTP to learn how the education field can be a game-changer to systemically nurture human compassion, ingenuity, and adaptability. Previously, she co-founded Proyecto Apoyo Mutuo Mariana, a mutual-aid disaster relief effort in which those directly impacted were the same people serving. PAM’s mission was to transform the community of Mariana into a transgenerational catalytic sustainable village by developing and practicing community-level hurricane preparedness plans and building social and physical infrastructure to withstand uncertainty and future natural disasters. Christine was named a 2019 Grist Fixer and an SBA Phoenix Humanitarian Award recipient (alongside her husband, Luis), and was invited to speak at TEDMED. Christine is a 2020 Echoing Green Fellow.

  • Organization/Fellow Location ?

    Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.

    Humacao, Puerto Rico

  • Impact Location ?

    Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.

  • Organization Structure ?

    An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).


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