bold idea
Solve menstrual hygiene challenges in Cameroon by providing health education and access to hygienic, reusable sanitary pads and menstrual beads.
organization overview
Girls Excel addresses girls’ struggle to obtain an education by teaching health education and providing access to hygienic menstruation products. Through girls-led clubs in rural communities, Girls Excel empowers adolescent girls to become peer educators on menstrual hygiene management and reproductive health education. Girls are trained to make their own reusable sanitary pads and customized menstrual beads, enabling them to understand their bodies and make informed decisions about their sexuality. Girls Excel hopes to create a world where girls are not held back by their biology.
Personal Bio
Delphine Konda is the founder and managing director of Girls Excel. Before starting the organization, Delphine worked with different international organizations documenting the untold stories of refugees in seven refugee camps in Cameroon and advocating for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and youth-friendly policies in Africa and Europe. Her time at the refugee camp inspired Delphine to create a platform where girls and women’s issues can be addressed without fear and shame. Delphine believes that education is the most powerful tool that can be used to empower girls and women, unlock their full potentials, and create a ripple effect of this positive transformation. Delphine has received international recognition through the Moremi Initiative Leadership Empowerment and Development Program for young African women, the Crans Montana Leaders of Tomorrow Award, and a Chevening Scholarship, and she has facilitated international events in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. She is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Delphine is a 2019 Echoing Green Fellow.
Organization/Fellow Location ?
Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.
Impact Location ?
Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.
Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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