Fatima Hassan

  • Health Justice Initiative

  • 2023 Global Fellow

Fatima Hassan's professional headshot
  • Health Justice Initiative

  • 2023 Global Fellow

bold idea

Eliminate barriers to lifesaving healthcare for women and people with low incomes in the Global South by holding pharmaceutical companies accountable, resetting intellectual property rules, and supporting marginalized groups.

organization overview

The Health Justice Initiative (HJI) advocates both locally and globally for a more equitable health system for women and low-income people in the Global South. HJI was launched at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, which exposed massive global inequalities in public health and led to vaccine apartheid. HJI uses law, research, community engagement, and advocacy to tackle factors that fuel inequity in health access, such as race, income, nationality, health status, and geography. HJI also envisions creating a more inclusive, equitable health system at a time of climate emergency.

Personal Bio

Fatima Hassan is a human rights lawyer, social justice activist, and founder of the Health Justice Initiative. As a lawyer, she has dedicated her professional life to defending and promoting human rights in South Africa, especially in the field of HIV/AIDS and most recently, COVID-19. She has worked as a Ministerial Advisor, as well as in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. Fatima is the recipient of the 2022 Calgary Peace Prize. She is an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Cape Town School of Public Health and Family Medicine, and she serves on the Board of Global Witness.

Fatima often writes for local and international media publications. She has a BA and LL.B. from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa and an LL.M. from Duke University. She also previously clerked at the Constitutional Court of South Africa

  • Organization/Fellow Location ?

    Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.

    Capetown, South Africa

  • Impact Location ?

    Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.

  • Organization Structure ?

    An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).


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