bold idea
Test out an original theory of social mobility called “networked capability” with a specific population (Filipino American students) and a specific institutional barrier (4-year college access and success). Develop a more effective alternative to affirmative action education policies for marginalized or traditionally under-served populations in the US by focusing on cultivating social capital and coaching competence among high school youth.
organization overview
As a learning organization with the Filipino American community, Project PULL existed to build a community of learners and leaders through engaging in the innovative and effective application of community-based, academic, media, professional, spiritual, and technological resources toward projects which enrich the lives of Filipino American young people and the communities in which they live, learn, and lead.
From 1997 to 2000, The Project PULL Academy Leadership Challenge & College Preview for Filipino American Youth, i.e. “Project PULL Academy” was a residential, summer education program combining ethnic studies, leadership training, and mentorship, in partnership with Stanford University’s Asian American Activities Center and Filipino Advocates for Justice.
Personal Bio
Julius Paras is a conscientious listener, mindful connector, and resourceful enabler who believes that the real promise of social networks and social innovation lies in addressing social inequity. While enjoying professional careers in enterprise information technology, leadership development, and alumni relations, he has also launched several “social networks” among college students and alumni, corporate employees, local community leaders, and other affinity groups. As Principal of Gumption Studios LLC, a small management consultancy and community, he works with a diversity of high-impact leaders from for transformational change with their businesses, nonprofit organizations, and personal lives. Julius earned his BS in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University, where he was co-founder of the Pilipino American Student Union (PASU) and sole recipient of the Sterling Award for outstanding undergraduate leadership and volunteer impact in his graduating class.
Organization/Fellow Location ?
Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.
Impact Location ?
Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.
Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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