Green Gas
Co-Founded with Liam Madden
2018 Climate Fellow
bold idea
Offset emissions to restore atmospheric carbon balance by offering consumers and businesses simple opportunities to buy carbon-neutral fossil fuels.
organization overview
Green Gas unlocks new funding for climate solutions by embedding carbon pricing into gasoline purchases. Americans who are concerned about climate change will appreciate having more sustainable choices at the gas pump with carbon-neutral gasoline and personalized green purchasing technologies. Green Gas works with gas stations and uses financial technology to bring convenience and affordability to sustainable consumerism. By embedding carbon offsets into fossil fuels, Green Gas leverages society’s unavoidable fossil fuel use to finance sustainable development. Green Gas enables businesses and the public to work together to channel the will and resources needed to solve the critical challenge of climate change.
Personal Bio
Kyle Kornack is co-founder and executive director of Green Gas. Prior to Green Gas, Kyle co-founded Boston’s first organic beverage company, Jubali, where he worked for three years to scale a regional brand dedicated to local agriculture. Kyle has worked at the vanguard of the renewable energy industry, as he led a marketing team in a grassroots campaign that moved thousands of New England homeowners off oil heat. He has been recognized on the international stage as an innovator in sustainable behavior change. Kyle presented Green Gas on the floor of the United Nations in 2017, and he won MIT’s Solve Initiative that same year. He holds a dual BA in environmental studies and philosophy from Northeastern University, where during his studies he served as an environmental educator in Boston public schools.
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Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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