bold idea
Create a proactive space where young women of all races and backgrounds can learn to embrace their collective power to fight injustice.
organization overview
Sister to Sister / Hermana a Hermana (STS/HAH) is an arts and leadership program that works with girls and young women, ages 9-18, in the Columbia Heights and Shaw neighborhoods of Washington, DC. STS/HAH recognizes that girls and young women need safe learning spaces where they can receive support and guidance, develop their skills, and build healthy relationships with other youth and adults. Through ongoing workshops and activities held in centers and schools, STS/HAH provides opportunities for girls and young women to become leaders and to realize their vision for themselves and their community.
Personal Bio
Marta Urquilla is a Senior Advisor for Social Innovation at the Corporation for National and Community Service, where she is helping to lead the effort to stand up the Social Innovation Fund, an initiative authorized by the Edward M. Kennedy SERVE America Act, signed by President Obama in April 2009. A full-time member to the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team, Marta served on the Social Innovation and Civil Society sub-group of the Technology, Innovation and Government Reform policy working group. As a volunteer with the Presidential Inaugural Committee, she supported new media production for, the online community of President-elect Obama’s national service initiative, “Renew America Together,” including a guest blog series highlighting social entrepreneurs and community organizers and a video tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., featuring Congressman John Lewis and former Senator Harris Wofford, co-authors of the King Holiday and Service Act.
Organization/Fellow Location ?
Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.
Impact Location ?
Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.
Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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