Nasser Diallo

  • Clinic+O

  • 2022 Global Fellow

Nasser Diallo
  • Clinic+O

  • 2022 Global Fellow

bold idea

Expand access to quality, affordable health care for low-income communities in West Africa by integrating mobile technology and community health best practices into primary care treatment.

organization overview

Clinic+O uses technology-enabled health care solutions to connect patients with primary care providers to receive the care they need. Clinic+O combines telemedicine and in-person care with a local network of health care professionals, labs, and pharmacies to eliminate barriers like limited infrastructure that prevent people from accessing basic health care services. Clinic+O aims to improve the health and well-being of the 100 million people across West Africa who lack access to quality health care.

Personal Bio

Nasser Diallo, founder and CEO of Clinic+O, uses digital technology to develop practical, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions to improve health and well-being in communities across West Africa. Before starting Clinic+O, Nasser worked as a public policy analyst at Facebook, where he helped design programs that support digital literacy, prevent internet shutdowns, and stimulate the growth of the digital economy in sub-Saharan Africa. Nasser has a B.A. from The George Washington University and master’s degrees from Oxford University. He is a member of the Obama Foundation Leaders Africa Program and a Coro New York alumnus.