Nasser Ssenyondo

  • Silent Cafe

  • 2024 Global Fellow

Nasser Ssenyondo
  • Silent Cafe

  • 2024 Global Fellow

bold idea

Reduce socioeconomic barriers for deaf people in Uganda by providing training and resources for deaf farmers to become certified coffee growers and expand the coffee product market.

organization overview

Silent Café is a social enterprise promoting inclusion of people who are deaf through coffee-related businesses and services. Silent Cafe creates a market for coffee products produced by deaf farmers and creates job opportunities for deaf people in public-facing roles which expands public awareness on the rights and capabilities of deaf people.

After establishing the first-ever deaf-owned and deaf-run coffee space in Uganda, Silent Cafe is focused on supporting deaf farmers to become certified coffee growers. This representation will improve incomes, farming methods, and after-harvest coffee handling, as well as expand the market for coffee products.

Personal Bio

Nasser Ssenyondo is the founder and managing director of Silent Café. He has over 15 years of experience in community development, program management, and disability inclusion.

At age 10, Nasser experienced his personal loss of hearing due to meningitis. He has turned his personal struggle into a new brand of activism and hopes to support communities of people with disabilities, especially deaf people. His leadership centers around two key thematic areas: access and inclusion.

Nasser’s focus is building a sustainable, inclusive social enterprise with Silent Café. He has worked in direct field service delivery and has been part of several business hubs, including the Hi-Innovator Business Academy. He holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and social administration from Makerere University and a master of business administration in human resource management.

  • Impact Location ?

    Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.

  • Organization Structure ?

    An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
