Rebecca McDonald
Library for All
Co-Founded with Tanyella Evans
Funded with support from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation
2014 Global Fellow

Library for All
Co-Founded with Tanyella Evans
Funded with support from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation
2014 Global Fellow
bold idea
Increase access to books and unlock knowledge in impoverished communities by building a platform to deliver ebooks across mobile phone networks.
organization overview
Library for All is a nonprofit that exists to unlock knowledge to those without access to books in developing countries, at a much lower cost than building physical libraries. Our Library application delivers ebooks to low-cost devices such as tablets, mobile phones, and PCs, and is accessible in low bandwidth environments via mobile phone networks. The Library provides access to educational content in local and international languages, culturally relevant and easily searchable. Library for All aims to strengthen the educational ecosystem for teachers and students, which will improve global literacy and educational outcomes.
Personal Bio
Rebecca McDonald, co-founder and CEO of Library For All, a cloud-based digital library platform specifically designed to deliver books to communities without access to educational resources. Rebecca previously worked as a Program Manager in the Australian construction industry, where she was responsible for the delivery of a 1 billion dollar low income housing program. Rebecca also served for over eight years as an Ambassador for Opportunity International, a leader in the microfinance industry. In 2010, she moved to Haiti to help rebuild after the devastating earthquake, where she realized that even the schools that were intact had very little access to books. Extensive research of the infrastructure and opportunity in Haiti for over two years led Rebecca to found Library For All in 2012. Rebecca has been named one of Queensland’s 50 Best and Brightest in 2013, and presented at TEDxBrisbane 2013 in Australia. As CEO, Rebecca leads the vision and goals for the organization, and focuses her efforts on business development.
Organization/Fellow Location ?
Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.
Impact Location ?
Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.
Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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