Ruth Nabembezi

  • Ask Without Shame

  • Funded with support from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation

  • 2017 Global Fellow

Ruth Nabembezi
  • Ask Without Shame

  • Funded with support from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation

  • 2017 Global Fellow

bold idea

Break the myths and taboos on sexuality in Africa through providing accurate sexual health information by medical experts to youths via mobile technology.

organization overview

Ask Without Shame provides accurate emergency sexual health information to youth in Africa through mobile technology. This is done through an Android app, WhatsApp, calls, and SMS. Medical experts and counselors are available 24/7 to assist users with the right information regarding sexuality at the fingertips of every youth from the age of 12 to 35 years without judgment or shame. Ask Without Shame aims to reach one million youth in East Africa by 2018, scale Ask Without shame in other African countries five years from then, and eliminate sexual taboo Africa by 2050.

Personal Bio

Ruth Nabembezi is the founder and CEO of Ask Without Shame. Ruth grew up in an orphanage home in Uganda. Her parents and beloved sister passed away because of AIDS. When Ruth’s sister developed severe skin rashes, the neighbors in her village believed that she was demon possessed and was taken to a witch doctor to be cleansed but died. Ever since, Ruth developed a strong frustration for people in Uganda not having the right information in regard to sexuality. While Ruth was at Mulago Paramedical School she started working on breaking shame and taboo when it comes to sexuality. She has been able to present and exhibit at the biggest IT expo “CeBIT” in Germany. Ruth became a Global Change maker, Lioness of Africa, and the BBC nominated her as a finalist for the Outlook Inspirations Award. Ruth won the African Woman Award in the category of Young Change Maker, Appsafrica Award in the categories of Social Impact and the Queen’s Young Leaders Award.

  • Organization/Fellow Location ?

    Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.

    Kampala, Uganda

  • Impact Location ?

    Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.

  • Organization Structure ?

    An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
