Isaac Holeman

  • Medic Mobile

  • Co-Founded with Josh Nesbit

  • 2010 Global Fellow

Isaac Holeman
  • Medic Mobile

  • Co-Founded with Josh Nesbit

  • 2010 Global Fellow

bold idea

Empower health workers in poor countries to communicate, coordinate patient care, and provide diagnostics using low-cost mobile technology.

organization overview

Medic Mobile is a nonprofit organization founded in 2010 to improve health in the communities that are hardest to reach. We design, build, deliver, and support open-source software for health workers and health systems – helping provide better care that reaches everyone.

Personal Bio

Isaac cofounded Medic Mobile and until 2012 he co-led the organization with a focus on implementation, impact strategy, designing first versions of Medic Mobile’s SIM card and web applications, and developing human centered design as an organization-wide competency. He was named mhealth innovator of the year in 2011, awarded Echoing Green, Compton and Pamplin fellowships, and inducted into the Better World By Design hall of fame. He is currently a Gates Cambridge Scholar, and his role now revolves around practicing design and conducting delivery research to improve and spread Medic Mobile’s approach.

  • Organization/Fellow Location ?

    Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.

    The Dalles, United States

  • Impact Location ?

    Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.

  • Organization Structure ?

    An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).


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