Co-Founded with Nandini Narula
2008 Global Fellow
bold idea
Deliver the power of online marketing technologies to low-income entrepreneurs in developing countries, enabling them to grow their businesses and increase their income.
organization overview
GreenMango levels the playing field for poor entrepreneurs by providing an affordable, accessible marketing platform that is designed to help small entrepreneurs in developing countries grow their businesses. Launched in Hyderabad, India, GreenMango gives them access to new sales channels, enables them to market their businesses to new customers, and validates their work through the reviews of their past customers. The platform centralizes credible information and its multiple access points (internet, in-person, and SMSReach clients across all income segments).
Personal Bio
Yasmina McCarty is the co-founder and CEO of GreenMango, a social enterprise in India that helps low-income entrepreneurs grow their business. She currently works at the GSM Association as a Manager for the Mobile Money for the Unbanked Program. In this role, she supports mobile network operators in emerging markets as they develop their mobile money services. Previously, Yasmina spent nearly five years in the microfinance sector, working with microfinance organizations in LAC, South Asia and Africa. Yasmina started her career in marketing, developing advertising campaigns and corporate brands. She holds an MBA from London Business School and Columbia Business School and a BS cum laude from Northwestern University. Yasmina is a TEDIndia Fellow (2009), Echoing Green Fellow (2008), and Cartier Women’s Initiative Laureate (2007).
Organization/Fellow Location ?
Our most recent information as to where the Fellow primarily resides.
Impact Location ?
Countries or continents that were the primary focus of this Fellow’s work at the time of their Fellowship.
Organization Structure ?
An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid (a structure that incorporates both nonprofit and for-profit elements).
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